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Uganda Youth Skills Training Organisation

1.Book of Inspiration and Toolkiit

Empowering Youngsters & Youth Workers on Social Mobile entrepreneurship.
mPreneur project partners created a toolkit to support young digital social entrepreneurs. This toolkit offers comprehensive resources, guidance, and practical tips to empower and equip young aspiring entrepreneurs to develop sustainable innovative mobile solutions for community challenges.  The ultimate goal of the toolkit is to empower young entrepreneurs to make a positive impact on their communities through mobile entrepreneurship while embracing sustainability and social awareness. Click the button and check mPreneur Toolkit and Book of Inspiration. 


2.This handbook has been developed to advocate for menstrual health and hygiene, by strengthening the capacity and improving menstrual knowledge, attitudes, and resources among youth workers operating in the grassroot youth organisations. It is a learning and training manual on planning, designing and delivering menstrual interventions through youth work by non-formal education practices.


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